The world’s fittest 100-year-olds

Guro swept aside all competition in the women’s category, while Phyllis was the oldest participant at 108!

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Road Worlds for Seniors is clear proof that you can stay fit well past the age of 100. This year, there were nine men and eighteen women registered in the oldest category. Likely, even more qualified, but not all teams had entered age classifications for their cyclists.

Guro, best woman

Guro Lund Sørensen (picture on top) lives in an assisted living home in Rjukan, Norway. Though she celebrated her 100th birthday this spring, her competitive spirit is as strong as ever.

- I enjoy competing, and I feel that cycling really benefits my body. This year, I competed in my second world championship, and it’s been very exciting. I never imagined I’d ever get to participate in a world championship, says Guro, who grew up in the village of Gauset.

Additionally, cycling has greatly improved her knee pain and strengthened her legs.

- And it’s a lot of fun to travel the world while we’re still here in Rjukan cycling.

Ski jumping and herding cows

Staying active is nothing new for Guro. Growing up, she spent winters skiing both cross-country and downhill - preferably with the boys.

- But the boys got annoyed when I jumped farther than them and won.”

In the summer, she would herd cows from early morning until late evening.

- You get strong legs from that!”

- And now, you’re the world’s fittest woman in the 100-year-old category?

- I think it’s amazing that I achieved that, smiles the remarkable woman, who completed a total of 297.8 km in this year’s Road Worlds for Seniors.

108 Years Old and a RWS cyclist

The oldest cyclist in this year’s championship was 108-year-old Phyllis Long from England. She beamed as the medal for her achievement was placed around her neck during the medal ceremony (see picture below).

The most active cyclist in the 100-year-old category was a participant from Harbison Burradoo in Australia, who cycled an impressive 534.7 kilometers. Not far behind was Leif Johan Nilsen (102) from Stord, covering 389.5 km.

Read: Leif (102) in his third World Championship.

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108 ÅR GAMMEL: Årets eldste syklist, Phyllis Long, sammen med President i Road Worlds for Seniors, Jan Inge Ebbesvik